Oxana Smith

Licensing: DRE#01973563
Oxana Smith

Licensing: DRE#01973563

Realtors | Neighbors | Friends

Oxana Smith understands quality, and she wants to help her clients achieve their dreams when it comes to buying their home. After receiving a BA in Business, and two AAs in Child Development and Real Estate, Oxana took a leap into the real estate business, eventually joining team TLC in 2016.

As a person with a deep love for helping others and a knack for design, Oxana is driven to assist clients, not only to find a home, but to find the perfect home for them. Her own personal enjoyment of “putting new life into old pieces” helps convey all the possibilities that come with owning a home. Oxana believes that in order to achieve everything her clients need, she first needs to understand what they want.

In Oxana’s own home, life is never dull with three active boys. At nineteen, she was able to explore the world, traveling with friends from country to country, and she wants to experience this with her own children. With her love of people, her love of houses, and her love of design, Oxana is a real estate professional that will take care of all her client’s needs.

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